
  • Using a Data Lake to Grow Your Ecommerce Sales

    Using a Data Lake to Grow Your Ecommerce Sales

    Unlock the Power of Your PPC Data: How a Data Lake Can Supercharge Your Ecommerce Sales In the fast-paced world of ecommerce, every click counts. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising offers a targeted approach to reach potential customers, but managing and optimizing campaigns can be a challenge. This is where a data lake comes in. What is…

  • Building an Open Source Clay Alternative with NocoDB, n8n, and Apify

    Building an Open Source Clay Alternative with NocoDB, n8n, and Apify

    As automation becomes more integral to business processes, the need for cost-effective, customizable solutions grows. Enter our stack—a combination of NoCodeB, n8n, and Apify to create a powerful, open-source alternative to Clay. This stack aims to streamline data points, automate tasks, and personalize interactions without the heavy cost often associated with other platforms. It doesn’t…

  • Enriching Datalayer with Mautic for Improved Personalization

    Enriching Datalayer with Mautic for Improved Personalization

    For marketers, personalization is not just a trend—it’s a necessity. Delivering content, offers, and experiences that resonate personally with individual users can transform how they interact with your brand. Integrating Mautic, a powerful open-source marketing automation tool, with your website’s datalayer enhances the personalization of your marketing efforts. Using Google Tag Manager (GTM), this integration…

  • Mautic Contact Datalayer Plugin

    Mautic Contact Datalayer Plugin

    Today I want to introduce a new tool that’s valuable for users of Mautic: the Mautic Contact Datalayer Plugin. This plugin is particularly useful for businesses in the eCommerce or SaaS sectors looking to refine their analytics and marketing strategies. What is Mautic Contact Datalayer Plugin? The DatalayerPushBundle is a straightforward Mautic plugin that pushes…

  • Enhance Upselling and Cross-Selling Through CRM Data Insights

    Enhance Upselling and Cross-Selling Through CRM Data Insights

    Ever feel like you’re leaving money on the table? Maximizing the value of each customer (their lifetime value, or CLV) is key to long-term success. Targeted upsell and cross-sell campaigns are your secret weapons for boosting revenue and building stronger customer relationships. Here’s how to unleash their power using CRM data and analytics. Connecting the…

  • Advanced Attribution: Storing Click IDs in Your CRM

    Advanced Attribution: Storing Click IDs in Your CRM

    Do you wish you could understand exactly how people find your website and optimize your marketing efforts to attract high-quality leads? The answer lies in a powerful tool called click IDs and storing them in your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. This guide will explain everything you need to know, even if you’re new to…

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